Click a link to download the script.  Most of these have been written specifically with Maya 2014 in mind and may depend on python2.6

Scripts for Maya

RedGrid Poly Reduce Tool
Main class
UI class
Redgrid is an alternative poly reduce tool.  The idea behind it is to create a grid and slice the object on all of the 3d grid lines.  This works well for tessellated round geometry. 
For hard surface geometry, RedGrid includes a tool that allows the user to set a minimum angle and removed edges flatter than the user defined threshold.  It also can use the same edge angle function to smooth flat edges.  

UV Pack Tool
xmlreader (dependancy)
A tool that allows the user to pack multiple models with 0-1 space UVs into a single square. The user defines that space in the final UV that each mesh will be packed into, and the tool can exactly shrink your UVs to fit (eg, take 4 models that will use a 1024 texture and pack them into a single 2048 texture, using different parts of the UV space.)

Prop Helper
Main class
UI class
A collection of basic operations designed to help speed up the pipeline process. 
(Old MEL version too)

Bulk Lightmap Repair
Generates an auto-unwrap with padding and no overlaps on UV channel 2 for all models in a directory.

Get Vertex Comparison Array
Prints two lists of every vertex touching the opposite side of an edge connecting to two vertexes along an input edge in Maya.  I thought it would be nice to have an example of a solution to a complex mathematics problem.

Open source file using only GDT asset name
Opens the source file of an asset allowing you to edit a model you find in radiant without ever opening AM2 or the export file.  Requires PySide.

Maya Alternative Radiant Exporter
An alternative UI wrapper for the same iwexporter in Maya.  The purpose of this was to be able to build GDT entries right in Maya.  It worked and had a complex UI system which I am proud of, but it was not terribly practical.

Progress Window Controller
A small python class that allows for color-able progress windows using Maya UI

Simple Terrain Generator (MEL)
A very basic script that makes a plane that you can make random hills on, and adds objects constrained to the surface.